How My Hubby and I Plan to Raise Happy Children + A Ted Talk Video on Parenting Responsibility

I think that all I really want out of my children, other than a great education is for them to be happy. We have all been through trials and tribulations in life, and I am no exception to sufferings. However, since I found Ariel, my life completely changed. I have found genuine happiness. I live in such joy, in freedom and in satisfaction. I want this feeling for my daughters. I want them to grow up to be happy adults.

I believe raising happy children, starts with parenting. As parents, we play a part in fostering our children’s happiness. We are the example. Have you ever heard the term, “if mom’s not happy, nobody’s happy”? Well, it’s the truth!

Here are 4 ways to raising happy children:

Set The Example

Nurture your happiness and show your children what happiness looks like. We all know that children are like sponges. They listen and observe everything we do. Model integrity. Accept your child’s emotions and encourage them to express how they feel and why. Allow them to be unhappy. Respect their personalities and just treat them like the people that they are. It is important to keep a positive attitude and always express gratitude. Remember the “glass half-full” concept.

They are Human Beings

Instead of buying their hearts, I think it is more important to be involved in their lives just like we do other people in our lives. Build a relationship with them. Talk to them. I think this idea helps children find happiness in experiences as opposed to material things. All the things that make you happy as an adult, should be practiced with children as well.


Make sure your children feel loved and valued. Like any human being, children want to be loved. It’s important to me to have a welcoming approach when talking to Amelia. I want her to feel like she can come to me with any and everything. I never had this type of relationship with my parents. I talked things over with my childhood bestie because my parents were not the warm and fuzzy type. I had strict parents growing up and although I want my daughters to respect me, I also want them to trust me and to know I love them regardless of anything. I want to build a social connection in hopes to help my girls have a healthy foundation.

Cultivate Fun

Studies have proven that the more we laugh, the happier we are. Children are no exception. By nature, children love to play. Playing is important for their brain development. I read an article in the Huff Post written by Dr. Vanita Braver that says these experiences promote creativity, problem solving, and communication. Playing strengthens relationships and improves motor development. Playing is also very fun for children which then makes them happy.


Self-esteem is major. Especially for me since I am raising girls. Self-esteem gives a sense of security,  and confidence. Raising confident women is so important to me. I want my children to be bold, to step outside their comfort zones without fear and not be afraid of making mistakes. I want my girls to have confidence in who they are and know that they are able. I know how hard this can be as I too struggled tremendously with my image and self-esteem.

I found this informative Ted Talk video on YouTube that talks about responsible parenting. I found it very helpful in how I handle parenting and I thought it would be a great to share with you all. Comment below and let me know what you think!

Hope you found these few tips and YouTube video helpful. Are there parenting tips you would like to share? Drop your ideas below! I would love to hear them.