Transitioning my Littlest into Preschool

Transitioning Aylah into Preschool was such a difficult decision, as I am sure it is for most parents. The childcare center she previously attended was with us since Aylah was just two months old. My oldest, Amelia, also attended this center prior to Preschool. When Aylah was born, Amelia was three. I enrolled Amelia in Preschool than because it was much more affordable than having her at a childcare center. Now that I had two children, Ariel and I were not going to be able to afford childcare for both Aylah and Amelia. Unfortunately for me, being a stay-at-home mom was never an option for us.

While I have been busy focusing on our new routine and making efforts to make it to Preschool the earliest possible, my kid has been giving me such a hard time in the mornings. This week she screams while I attempt to do her hair and screams about wearing sneakers that she alleges hurt her feet. Her temper tantrums prolongs us leaving the house and just take up so much time. Ultimately, my goal is to have my kids dropped off by 7:30am. Thanks to Aylah, this week has not quite worked out that way.

It is safe to say that the honeymoon is officially over. The first week of preschool was awesome. She stayed with no problems and seemed to really enjoy it. The following week was still good however, she did cry one day at drop off. It is Wednesday of week three and she has cried every morning when I drop her off. You can hear her screams down the hallway; I had to run out of there today because I, too, almost cried.

I thought it was the right time for the transition because Amelia is attending summer camp at the same school. I figured this summer would be best so that she has her sister with her as she adjusts to the change. Amelia also started preschool at age three. The only difference is that Amelia was all alone. Although it took a couple weeks for her to adjust as well, I was convinced Aylah’s transition would be much easier considering that her sister would be there as well.

I have found myself doubting my decision for preschool and; have even considered alternatives. If you follow me on Instagram make sure to check out my Instagram stories for a daily update on Aylah’s transition into preschool. Wish me luck moms!