CSDE - Back to School

Education is so important to our family. We value our daughters, Amelia and Aylah getting a good

education and they know that school is a priority. We want the best for our girls; for them to evolve,

learn and share with their friends, but above all, to have fun with other kids and their teachers.

One thing this pandemic has demonstrated is that my girls learn best in person. Online learning posed

some challenges for our working family, so we were excited for them to get back in the classroom. It has

been the best decision. The girls are so happy to see their friends everyday and to interact and be apart

of school sports and extracurricular activities, giving the children a chance and the freedom to be kids


Children need social interactions and the decision to send them back to school brings back a sense of

normalcy to our family. We only worry about what we can control and take the necessary steps to limit

the spread of germs. We make sure to encourage masks wearing, social distancing and effective hand

hygiene. We believe healthy hygiene starts in the home; consequently, we have taught our children to

cover their coughs and sneezes and to use hand sanitizer. Hence, Ariel and I model that behavior and

are sure to wash our hands frequently and remind the girls to do so as well.

Since my girls are small, we made handwashing a fun routine. We started a sing-along while washing

hands, affirmation talks and Aylah even made us play red light, green light as we washed.

Furthermore, as the kids headed back to school, Ariel and I expected the virus to continue to spread

which is why we decided to get the vaccine as a safety measure to help stop the spread.

We make sure to keep ourselves up to date with the CDC on disease trends, new information on COVID-

19, and updated risks and safety measures. We talk to our doctors if we experience any symptoms that

may be alarming and above all, we make sure to take care of ourselves and each other. We get to bed early for a good night’s rest and are sure to stay hydrated so we can feel out best! #ad

For more information be sure to check out www.backtoschoolct.org
