My 33rd Birthday and Life's Lessons I Have Learned


Yes guys! that’s right. I am officially 33 years old! 10 years ago, I would have told you that being 33 is actually considered old. Well it is not! I have actually enjoyed my 30s. I feel like I know who I am, what I bring to the table, my worth and I just do not take crap from people. In my 20s, I was still making a ton of mistakes, trying to please everyone, not loving myself the way I should. I was still trying to figure out who I was and what I had to offer the world. Although, I still kind of struggle with this, I have more certainty now than before.

Life is not easy and it surely does not come with a manual. I learned a lot about myself this past year and I wanted to share with you all a few things I wish someone would have told me. I think I may have made better choices.


Learn to Accept

My whole life I always worried so much about things that were happening, people around me, the effects of my decisions, etc. I was no risk-taker, that’s for sure. I did not do well with change. I like having a routine, knowing what to expect so I can be prepared. I use to dwell on past events and worry. I didn’t except myself. I craved acceptance and love from everyone around me. I shied away from conflicts and the feeling of uncomfortableness because I did not like the feeling of being uncomfortable. I would look for ways to divert from all uncomfortable feelings instead of accept them as they came. Because of that, I never learned how to respond to these uncomfortable thoughts and feelings, and lay them to rest once and for all. However, I have learned to accept people for who they are. I learned that nothing is personal and those that matter will always remain. There is absolutely no point in losing sleep or energy over anyone or anything because in the end, people are who they are and everyone is different in their own way.

Self Love

I finally know the importance of loving yourself and how important it is to be kind to yourself. I was always such a people pleaser and I worked hard to be everything to everyone. But I just could not keep up. I found myself over stressed and full of anxiety trying to juggle everything and to keep everyone happy. It was too much. I learned the importance of setting boundaries with people. I learned the importance of the word “no” is and how extremely happy and peaceful it makes me feel to be ok with it. I learned who and what is important to me and I stick to that with no explanations necessary. Remember, you don’t owe anyone anything.


I always thought that being so forgiving of people was a sign of weakness. Now I realize how enslaving it actually is. Unforgiveness leaves me in a state of unhappiness, feeling resentment and anger and those are all negative emotions I do not want to entertain. It takes away from your freedom and your peace. I always felt entitled to my feelings and victimized myself and looked for reasons to justify my feelings. And although, I may have been entitled and justified, it still did not change what happened so why carry that dark cloud around? Your health is important, added stress is not necessary. Learn to forgive and let that mess go!


I hope these quick life lessons helps you get through those negative emotions and live in positivity and peace. Keep your perspective in check. Always remember the gifts God has given you and dwell in that mindset. You are a gift and you are enough. Always remember that!

Here are some photos of my surprise birthday dinner for you all to enjoy. I am blessed! Shout out to my peeps are putting this together!

Photos by Paola Kaoud Photography