8 Ways to Stay Motivated in 2020 and Crush Those Goals!

Hey Babes and Happy 2020!

I haven’t been around since the start of the new year. I have been busy planning the women empowerment brunch that I have planned for January 26, 2020 and I have been getting clear and intentional with my goals. I never been so committed and determine to achieve goals like I am now.

I feel like 2019 really kicked my butt. It taught me important life lessons, gave me strength and changed my perspective on a lot of things. Although I am still a work in progress and I am no where near the Pam I wish to see in another 5 years; I am grateful for each lesson, each tear drop, each moment that inspired growth in me.

With all that being said, I am excited you guys! I am so excited for 2020 and for the plans I have for myself in this year. I have no time to fool around. My next blog post will be about my goals for this year that way you guys can hold me accountable.

Although it is January which means we are in a optimistic season with nearly everyone focusing on goals and seeking ways to achieve those dreams, as time passes, it is easy to lose that optimism you currently have inside of you and slack. This post is geared to give you the best tips and advise on how to keep your aderline running and motivated on crushing those goals! So lets get started!

  1. Get crystal clear on your vision. (emphasis on the crystal). In order to succeed at whatever it is you want in life, you have to be clear about what that is. For a long time, I just had a wish list, like “well I wish to get a new job and I wish to lose weight…” but I learned quickly that its not about what you wish to have. You have to know, down to the T, what exactly you want.

  2. Define and understand your why, your purpose. As my girl Nancy Ruffin always says, “when it is all said and done, what do you want to be remembered for?” Think about that and let that get your gears going. Once you are clear on what you are working for, it will give you the motivation to see it through.

  3. Positive thinking leads to positive actions. Have a bunch of stickies lying around with positive affirmations for your to recite to yourself when you start to feel down and out. Remember what is ahead and what you are working and keep your mind positive. It can and will happen for you!

  4. Have a plan. Set smaller goals to achieve the bigger goals. Smaller goals always seem much easier to achieve so setting them and reaching them will make you feel like you are moving the needle in the right direction which will then keep you going towards that big dream goal!

  5. Get organized. I mean this in every part of your life; your work space, your home, your room. Decluttering will make you feel accomplished and calm which will, in return, make you feel more efficient.

  6. Multitasking, especially for women, is not all its cracked up to be. We feel we can do it. But multitasking will actually distract you and you will not produce the end result you are looking for. When you focus on one project at a time, and give it your all, it tends to be much more successful than juggling multiples at the same time. I wanted to launch a planner and host a party and create content for brands and I found myself on the verge of tears because I could not figure out where to even begin. Once I give myself a deadline and focused on one project at a time, all felt much easier and manageable.

  7. Reward yourself for all your hard work. Have a glass of wine, a spa date with your bestie or just a night off with hubby. Do whatever it is you love to do as a reward because you will need it. It also gives you something to look forward to after all your hard work.

  8. Lastly, envision your success! Visualize yourself living that dream life you want. Feel the joys it brings to you. Upon excitement of those vivid pictures your just came up with in your mind, how can you not get motivated to see it come to fruition.

Now go be inspired and crush those goals! Have an amazing 2020!