Habits of a Very Productive Mom

I think what makes it harder for me on the days where I lack motivation is that my most productivity time is probably between the hours of 10am and 2pm. What sucks is that Monday through Friday I am working my day job and the weekends I am usually busy with family time and visuals.

It such a challenge for me to find productivity after 9pm when my kids are asleep. By the end of the day I am tired and pretty drained out.

On some days, when my husband is around to help with the kids I can easily get into the swing of things and zone into my blogging content. However, on other days, when Ariel goes to the gym or is busy doing other things and I am stuck alone with the girls, productivity is at an all time low. I hear the word “mommy” so much that I just want to pull my hair out!

No matter how many to-do lists I have in queue or how organized I may be, sometimes executing is challenging. I have found some tips that have helped me better coordinate my time and work around my busy schedule and I wanted to share it with you all in case you are finding yourself in the unmotivated as I have in the past.

Don’t be afraid to delegate

I have come to terms with knowing that I cannot do it all on my own. I cannot parent my children alone and therefore I cannot run a side business on my own either. Its very demanding juggling both and I am only human. I have learned to have grace with myself and not be afraid to ask for help if I am finding myself falling short.

Capitalize your most productive time

As much as I have tried to do photo sessions during the week, after a workday, it does not work for me. I cannot seem to get a good picture for the life of me. Especially now during daylight savings times. Its already dark in Connecticut by 4pm so there is no where for me to go to take good photos at that time. With the exhaustion I feel from my day job, on most days, photo sessions are just not worth the time. I have tried. Hence why I leave my photo sessions and/or visuals for the weekend. I get a goodnights rest and I am able to dedicated the first part of my day to pictures and visuals and it usually works out much better for me.

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No multitasking

As much as I try to convince myself, multitasking is just not a strength of mine, and that is totally fine. In order to produce quality work, I have to focus on one thing at a time. I have learned that if I do not complete a task and attempt to revisit later, I will most likely forget what I was doing in the first place. Getting into a deep level of concentration is what works for me.

Set goals

Setting goals helps me feel like I am working for something instead of doing this work aimlessly and hoping that something comes out of it. Having a clear goal shows me that I am making meaningful progress on my blogging and therefore gives me the motivation to keep pushing forward. I know that I want to get to 10,000 followers on Instagram so I make sure to post consistently. I have my feed posts down and scheduled each day. I am now working on launching at least two Reels a week and talk on IG Story everyday.


I hope these quick productivity tips help you become the productive individual you long to be. I have mastered most of these and am always looking for new ways to help in this area. The key is to always remember that you are still human and must always have grace with yourself as you are doing your best, and that is always more than enough!

Feel free to share other productivity tips with me in the comments below. I can’t wait to read them!

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