How I Landed My First Paid Gig After Taking The LadyBossBlogger Course

There is so much more to blogging than Instagramable photos, fun events, and new gal pals.

I started a blog for the first time back in 2015. Since then, I rebranded and launched in 2017. I’ve been learning as I go, reading as much information on blogging as I can find. 

I did not think making money blogging was an option for me at this point so I was ok with accepting freebies and not asking for compensation. I kept telling myself that as long as I have the audience, the money will soon come.

I did not think I was ready to ask for money for a blog post or IG feed post. Instead, I pushed for follower growth on Instagram and thought that would be the golden ticket. I would spend endless hours searching content that I thought my audience would resonate with, in efforts to grow an audience.

Oh how I was wrong! 

LadyBossBlogger showed me the complete opposite of that. I completed Elaine Rau’s How to Make Money as an Influencer course and learned so much new information that I have not even thought about in the 3 years I have been blogging. I realized that it is possible to make money through my blog.

I wish I had stumbled upon the LadyBossBlogger platform earlier because it would have saved me so much time and energy. It’s hard to learn all of this on your own, so it was nice to have Elaine Rau as my guide through this information.

The 3 important things I learned from Elaine Rau:

1. How to abide by the financial aspect of blogging, including FTC laws.

2. How affiliate marketing works, and all the many ways you can earn money as a blogger.

3. How to negotiate my way into getting compensation during a pitch, and how to price myself.

Landing my first paid collaboration!

The best part - thanks to LadyBossBlogger and Elaine Rau, I have landed my very first paid gig! It is so exciting to wake up to money! I decided it is time to turn my blogging hobbies into a blogging career.

LadyBossBlogger Giveaway

Because I learned so much from this course, I teamed up with LadyBossBlogger to give away a free course. I want to congratulate (insert winner here) on being our lucky winner! Congratulations (insert winner here)! You will not be disappointed!

Thank you to all who participated and entered the giveaway via my Instagram account. You can still sign up for a course with LadyBossBlogger for less money! Be sure to use my coupon code PAMELAROSARIO for 40% off your course of choice.

Make sure to follow @LadyBossBlogger and @ElaineRau on Instagram!

LadyBossBlogger Freebies

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