Prayer Journaling

Journaling has become such a part of my day. I want to be more of a morning person, just so I can be
up early and journal before my kids are up. It’s my therapeutic way of dealing with life and its challenges. For a while, I never really understood how to journal until recently. I used to think of it as a diary, where we just write about our days. However it is a little deeper than that. It is like solving a math problem, like solving for x.

Begin to write.

Write the problem down. Explain as much detail as you can; the who, the what, the why and if you can, the how. Take all that information, and solve for x. Try to get to the core of the problem. What was it about this situation that upset you? Why is this situation causing you to feel this way? Then figure out how you can look at it in a different perspective. Where is the teachable moment? How can you look at this in a loving way.

Pray on it.

Look up scriptures that are closely related to your situation and pray on it. Whether you need to heal a certain part of you or learn silence the negative. Jot down a prayer. I usually look for one within the Bible app or even on Google. This will help build your faith

As prayers are being answered

Or as you see yourself growing and changing in aspects of your life, write it down as well. That will become your testimony and you will see God’s goodness first hand. This will also help grow your spirituality. You will be able to track and see your growth. This will be important when discouragement comes knocking.

Write down God’s responses to your prayers.

Write down affirmations. Write down any scriptures that speak to you or anything that happen throughout the day that may have impacted you in some way. During quiet seasons, you can see and have a track record of your growth process and how much you have evolved as a human being as well.

I am still in the premature stages of my prayer journaling journey. I am still learning about the Bible and how to read the Bible but I am more than happy to share the little gems that I have learned so far. Be sure to share any tips with me as well, I would love to hear all about it. I hope this inspired at least one of you. Thank you all for reading.