My Life as A Millennial Mom
Life as a Millennial Mom
How different is motherhood for us millennial moms today?
It’s really insane. I remember has a child, people would tell me how quickly things change and evolve but it really seems like were in different worlds.
When I became a parent, I thought I would be ok, being that I had my mother for help, to guide me through the troubles of parenthood. Not saying that she was not much help, but her help was limited. My mom is a modern grandma, she does not have the time and patience to be sitting at home watching and helping raise grandbabies. She much rather prefer to be out and about travelling the world with my father and she made that very clear.
Glam Ma
Grandmas no longer exist, guys! Millienial moms now have, what we call, glam-mas. Urban dictionary describes a glam-ma as the new generational grandmothers, who are stylish in the way they live and dress. My mom isn’t the chicest, but she’s definitely living her best life.
I remember when I was growing up, I had my grandmother living with us, helping my parents raise me and my brother. I remember coming home from school, she would have dinner ready, the laundry done and beds made. My parents both worked, therefore my grandmother got us off the schoolbus.
Milennial Dads
One of the things I am most grateful for is having Ariel. Ariel is such a hands-on dad and husband, which is so different than how it was when I was growing up. I do not remember my dad being involved in anything that had to do with us. He definitely did not help around the house or cook. My mom was the caregiver, while my dad was more of the disciplinarian and breadwinner. My mom worked when we were kids however she had my grandmother around to help. And my grandmother was a legit grandmother, not one of these glammas we have now a days. She was home all day, helping my mom around the house as much as she could.
Milennials now turn to the internet for everything, and I do mean everything. Speaking from my own personal experience, anytime my children are sick or have unusual symptoms, I am usually on Dr. Google. When they behavior is out of line, I google ideas on how to discipline them and/or different tips and tricks on how to get them to listen. On some occasions, I will turn to Facebook and ask other mom communities for recommendations and help as well.
Me Time
Being a mom is great and it really is a fulfilling and rewarding role; however, if I am being honest, I do not want to be a mom all the time. Unlike my mother’s generation, it almost seems like they did not have the opportunity to do things they love without having to include their children. I remember having to go sit at a Dominican hair salon for hours with my mother while she got her hair done. It was such a daunting experience.