How to Make Working From Home Productive


I think I have finally got the hang of working from home and if I am being honest, I am going to miss it when I am to return to work. Initially I did not think I can work from home. I always felt like home was my safe haven, a place for me to kick back and relax. There was no way I can be productive working from home. But like most things, its all about adjustment and a quick mindset change. Here are a couple things to do


Make yourself accountable. I made my husband hold me accountable for my daily goals. Each day he asks me what my goals for the day are and at the end of the day I am to show him what I did and explain what I did NOT do. It works for me because it makes me feel good to have something to report to him. It brings me fulfillment and also helps me move forward in the direction of my dreams

Hard Tasks First

I tend to procrastinate if I know something will be involved or challenging. I tend to bump it to the bottom of the pile to avoid the aggravation. However, I have begun to train myself to work the hardest tasks first. That gives me something to look forward to and also gives me a sense of relief that I have completed a daunting task lol. Since I work my 9-5, I make sure to tackle all the work related tasks for the day, assigned by my manager so then reward myself by giving some time to my blog and side hustle. I get lost in my blogging work.

One Thing At A Time

I struggle a lot with this because I want to do so much, however it is really important to focus on one thing at a time. Multitasking is not always the most effective route. If you are anything like me, you get burned out easily so it is really important for me to give myself one project at a time; unless I have help. Being that I am a one woman show, I cannot take on too much at once.