3 Ways to Salvage from Emotions


Hey You Guys!

Sending you all lots of love.

I am so excited to come on here and chat with you. It’s been a while. I have had a whirlwind of emotions going on and life happenings.

I wanted to put together this post for you to share some tips/hacks that helped me salvage through those negative, heavy feelings and get back to my state of happiness.

Emotions can sometime get the best of us and I can definitely relate to any of you that has allowed their emotions to get the best of them too. It isn’t easy. But I am here to help.

First: Ask yourself, what this current situation is teaching you.

Everything has a purpose, the good and bad alike. And we can most definitely learn from the bad. Some of my most toughest, but much needed, lessons were from these types of situation. I promise you that you will be much stronger in the end. Explore a different mindset and remind yourself that it does not need to ruin your day.

Second: Call a Friend of Family

My friends do such a good job at helping me cope through the funk. They know what to say and help me reason with my emotions. But after venting, always change the subject to something more positive. It will help get your mind off things and it’s a great way to boost your Oxytocin.

Third: List 3 Things that you are Grateful for from that particular day.

I do this every day; whether I am having a good day or not. I want to express gratitude for ALL the things I have in life and for the experiences that have helped shape me. The state of gratitude brings about so much more positivity into your life and we can all use some good.