How Being a Mom Changed Me

No one really understands motherhood until you actually become a mother yourself.

For a long time, I was not even sure if I wanted kids. I did not think I was equipped to care for anyone else but myself. I didn’t know how to cook; I loved to sleep in; and I took forever to get ready to leave the house. Life was on my terms and I was convinced that it would always be that way.

Then I met Ariel, and all that changed. All of a sudden I wanted to take care of him and have all his babies. It was such a transition for sure. I knew Ariel was the one, because he just made me look at life differently.

When Amelia was born, I went through such a reality check. As a new mom, you never really understand what caring for a newborn really is; the sleepless nights, the crying baby, the hormonal changes, postpartum depression. You name it, I went through it.

Once I got over that little hurdle of being a new mom and we adjusted to our new lives, I wanted more out of life. Mediocracy was no longer an option for me. I wanted to give Amelia the best, in every aspect of the word.

I worked hard every single day to make changes within. I have learned more positive perspectives, looking for ways to find fulfillment, learning more about myself, learning boundaries, what I liked, what I wanted out of life, etc. I did some real soul searching you guys!


Being a mom has changed me in so many ways than one. Here are three simple ways being a mom has changed me.

I made the simple decision

I made the decision to have it all. I decided to not allow being a mom and raising children, to take that away from who I am and what I want out of life. I believe that with a little organization and help, you can truly have all the things you want out of life. Everyday, little by little, I move the needle in the direction of my dreams. I feel deeper in love with myself, with my personal brand, with my children, my husband. I am so grateful for it all.

I learned to love myself

This was a tough one. I was always such a people-pleaser. I never put myself or my needs before others around me. After having my girls, it became a struggle. It was just too much to keep up. I learned the power of saying “no” and doing only the things that I want to do and not what others want me to do. I put my needs first and the needs of my family. I make sure to be very gentle with myself; to give myself grace. I have positive dialogues with myself and I refuse to entertain any negative chatter that might go on in my head.

I learned to have fulfilling relationships

This was a game changer for me. Relationships with those that no longer served me had to be released. I love hard and letting go of certain people was something I needed to do for my own mental health. I feel for others and sometimes those emotions were more draining than anything. The relationships I have now are genuine, are built around love. I love and I feel loved in return. I learned from them. I try to bring out the best of those individuals as well. Its a revolving door of positivity and I love it. It just makes life that much more enjoyable.

I have my daughters to thank for the growth I have seen within myself. Everyday I work hard to be the woman I want to be: to inspire woman, especially moms, to live the lives of their dreams; a friend to all; a positive light to one who needs it and above all, a server of the Lord. I owe it all to my husband and children.

Thank you all for reading. Please be sure to share any ways becoming a mother has changed you and don’t forget to follow me on Instagram for more everyday empowerment and style tips.

Love you guys!