Doing it All vs. Doing What Matters

Here’s the thing ladies, sometimes we just can’t do it all and that is TOTALLY okay. There are times when we’re traveling through life without taking needed breaks. I’m sure everyone reading this knows the feeling too well. We take a good look at our plate and realize it is not only full, but everything seems to be falling off our plate. Let’s be real, sometimes it takes a lot to juggle your children, your husband, your home life, and relationships! 

It may be overwhelming for you to think of right now, but this true acknowledgement of how difficult your routine is can help you prioritize what you can truly manage. 

Keep your goals in mind and focus your attention on things that really matter with these five helpful tips: 


I am aware I cannot juggle everything, and I have acknowledged it truly takes a village to hold my life together. There are times when I cannot say yes to everything but that’s also fine! I realized how important it is to verbalize when I need help and I am no longer afraid to ask for it. I made a point to be close enough to my loved ones, which helps when I need to run errands. I have a couple of friends that offer support when I make quick stops at the market. This 30-minute trip turns into a 10-minute trip because I’m in and out quicker than when I have my girls. This goes without saying, I always tell my friends and family when I feel overwhelmed! It doesn’t make me less of a mom. This admission won’t make YOU less of mom, especially if you seek help with your children. The people you can trust and count on are that village that can help you thrive. It can help you get yourself in order. We love our kids, but we do need our own break!


Sometimes, you want to do everything and completely show out for the people in your life. As a former people pleaser myself, I would feel pressured to say yes to every outing, event, favor, etc., but what about ourselves? Remember, we are just ONE person.  I realize I am not a great multi-tasker so as much as I would love to do everything at once, I simply cannot! Here’s the thing; that’s totally okay my friend! 

It took a while to realize I had to start saying “no” more often. Whenever I do try to show up for everything, I fall short on everything else. Awareness and being realistic about what is manageable helps. You want to know why? It’s because doing what matters over doing it all holds more value. This doesn’t make us any less of a sister, any less of a daughter, a son, brother, or a friend.  For the people pleasers reading this vlog, I hear you. I have always been a people pleaser that found it so hard to say no! Your friends will understand, and your family will understand. I know you want to be present for everyone. However, sometimes you simply can’t do that. Remember, that is okay. 

And when you do get to show out for the people in your life, value your time! Your time is super precious. Because you do have a lot on your plate, value the time you can spend with loved ones. Make sure it’s what you want to do, and it’s time worth spending. Find yourself doing things you want to do. Go on and fill up that love tank babe! Run on positive vibes.


When I’m not working my 9-5 job, I am on full-time mommy mode. I only spend three days in office and that’s the only time my office will get. Aside from the 12 hours, I will not stay longer. It could be a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, I will still say no. Mondays are for my kids, Wednesdays are for my kids, and Fridays are for my kids, family, and everything else I am trying to juggle!

The same goes for my blog and influencer ship! I might record a little bit when we go out as a family but that’s it. It will not be the main focal point of the outing. I put the phone away and I am present in the moment! I am present for my girls and for my husband because this is valuable time I cannot get back. These are the types of boundaries that really help me because it’s about doing what matters in that present moment. My family matters, my relationships matter, and my friend’s matter. Life changes, and routines change with them. We must adapt and find a way to maintain these important relationships. 


You can make this work by finding inspiration to create anything, everywhere. I have learned to make the brand work for me and not work for this brand. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE THIS BRAND. I love you guys! Even though I am a bit on the shy side, I love sharing my life with you guys. I love sharing my story and I take so much pride and joy when I look at my feed’s aesthetic. It’s a piece of my heart’s passion that I share with each and every one of you guys!

I got to admit, there was a time it wasn’t always this easy. I had to go out of my way to make this work. I had my husband go out in 10-degree weather to take pictures of me. I would spend lots of money on photographers, and my poor kids would struggle to take pictures because it was so cold! I did all of this in hopes to gather all the content needed for this family-related brand. 

I have now stopped going out of my way to do it. I realized I need to make the brand work for me. I invested in a good camera and stopped going out of my way. It was not worth adding extra layers of stress, especially since I couldn’t figure out how to get my brand to work. I was struggling to balance everything out. I chose to take matters into my own hands, multitask and create as I went on about my day. For example, as I would get ready for work, I would try different outfits out and create my work-wear videos from the options I laid out for work. If I was able to cut expenses, I DID IT. 


Having help because it takes a village

Saying no because you need to value your time

Set those boundaries

Make the brand work for you, not the other way around